Tonight is one of those nights. The kind of night that won't let your mind slow down enough to sleep. I have SO much on my mind, but one thought is outweighing the rest...
Tomorrow is the day. I am going camping (not by choice, its for a class) and I am beyond terrified. I'm simply not the outdoorsy type. You know how some people just seem to be totally at one with nature? Well, I am certainly not one of "those" people. Needless to say, this trip is going to stretch me in every way possible. Reliance on the Lord is the only chance I have.
I hope that this trip will bring me out of my comfort zone and teach me something new. I am doing my best to focus my mind on positive thinking about this "adventure". Honestly, I haven't been that successful. George has taken the brunt of that negative outlook. I am sure he was less than thrilled to come home to an overly emotional, anxious, teary-eyed girl tonight. Thank goodness for his attempt at changing my perspective..."Laurin don't worry no one else is going to have clean hair either." He sure does know how to love me! :)
Maybe...just maybe I will come back a different girl. Outdoorsy? Probably not. At one with nature? Definitely not. Closer to God? I sure hope so!
So, as I lace up my (borrowed) hiking boots tomorrow....I hope you'll be saying a small prayer for this non-nature girl!
Love, Laur
P.S. George and I are now clear on my plans for camping in the future....
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Noah's Hands of Hope Auction
Hello all!
Stop what you are doing and go to this link:
Noah's Hands of Hope is an organization that helps provide support to families with children that are fighting Mitochondrial disease and other rare catastrophic diseases. It's an absolutely amazing organization. Noah's Hands of Hope has helped many children and families but could be helping so many more if funds were available! So, lets help them love on and support these families!
You are probably asking yourself: "How can I help?" WELL, let me tell you....
NHOH is holding an auction which begins TODAY! The link above will take you to the auction site. Please go and check out the AMAZING items that are up for auction!
I personally have donated my photography services to the auction. If you are currently interested in hiring me for any photography services please GO and check out this auction! The auction ends on April 1st....SO HURRY! :)
Stop what you are doing and go to this link:
Noah's Hands of Hope is an organization that helps provide support to families with children that are fighting Mitochondrial disease and other rare catastrophic diseases. It's an absolutely amazing organization. Noah's Hands of Hope has helped many children and families but could be helping so many more if funds were available! So, lets help them love on and support these families!
You are probably asking yourself: "How can I help?" WELL, let me tell you....
NHOH is holding an auction which begins TODAY! The link above will take you to the auction site. Please go and check out the AMAZING items that are up for auction!
I personally have donated my photography services to the auction. If you are currently interested in hiring me for any photography services please GO and check out this auction! The auction ends on April 1st....SO HURRY! :)
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Before I was a Blogger. (Part II)
For weeks I have been debating on whether or not to write this post. Finally, I have worked up the courage. I pray that sharing my experience will encourage someone, somewhere.
Here goes nothin'!
Since my freshman year of high school I have been "top-heavy." Unfortunately I was way more "blessed" than I would have liked to be in the chest area. For me, this was a big problem. I hated it! I am aware that most women who aren't quite as blessed do not understand why this was such a problem. Many of those women would say "I wish you would just give me a little of what you have!" I have always been polite, but in my head I have always been thinking "Lady, do you realize you are telling me you want to be miserable?" I never revealed to too many people just how much having large breast bothered me, but now I think it's time to tell the truth.
These are some pictures from the summer right after high school. I could NEVER find cute clothing that actually fit properly. Needless to say, shopping for clothes was exhausting.
I can recall MANY nights I would lay in my bed and cry. I felt like everyone was staring at my chest all the time. I desperaltely wanted to "fit in" with girls my age. None of my friends could really relate to my situation, which left me feeling all alone. I just wanted to be normal. As crazy as it sounds, I wanted nothing more than to wear a "normal" bra. I wore minimizing bras at all times because I felt that I needed to hide them as best I could. Along with a regualur bra I would wear a sports bra. I did everything I could to make them appear smaller. Now that I look back, I see just how sad my situation was.
Unfortunately, the appearance of my breasts was not the only difficulty I faced. I have a fairly small frame. I am 5'1and a 1/2 inch (yes, I cherish that half inch). Therefore, my body had a tough time supporting my "blessings." This, of course, resulted in never ending, excrutiating back pain. Any form of physical activity normally lead to me on the floor in tears. My back would lock-up and I would be in so much pain. I have always loved cheering, but many nights after practice I would have to start eating Ibprofen like candy. I was miserable.
So, when I was 17 I decided I wanted to have a breast reduction. My Mom had had one when I was in 8th grade and she seemed so much happier. I just wanted relief! My step-mom took me in for an appointment and a few weeks later I was approved by the insurance! I was unbelieveably excited. Unfortunately it never ended up working out. I was crushed, and to avoid another let down, I gave up on it for quite some time.
After I got engaged I made a decision. I decided that I did not want to feel self-conscious on my wedding day. I wanted to be able to get a gown I loved, not one I settled for. Once I had made this descion I started to feel nervous about the procedure. At the time I had never been put to sleep, and I had never had surgery. My mind starting filling with irrational fears of what could go wrong. Soon, I was considering not having it done. So, I started to pray. I prayed all the time asking God to reveal to me whether or not I should have this done. I believe that the Lord doesn't make mistakes when creating humans so I wrestled with essentially "changing" how he made me. Not long after I began to pray about my situation I was given an answer. I felt that the Lord was telling me he hated seeing me suffer and he would protect me through the procedure. That answer left me wanting even more confirmation. So, I saught the wise counsel of some of my mentors. Their answers left me feeling encouraged and ready to get the ball rolling! The whole process was so easy. The Lord really worked everything out in His way and His timing. I am one blessed princess.
My surgery was set. December 16th at 9:00am. To say I was nervous would be injustice. I was outright terrified. I spent so much time praying for my surgery and the doctors that would be working on me, and I still didn't feel much better! I finally started praying peace over myself and I became a little less consumed with what could go wrong.
The morning of my surgery I was given a Valium. It was suppose to calm me down and help me relax before surgery. Well, it definitely did something! I was hilarious (Don't worry, Mom caught it all on film and I am sure I will be embarrassed for many years to come). Finally I made it back to the operating room. As I was laying back, about to be put to sleep I decided to give some words of encouragement to my anastegeologist. I explained to him that I had been praying for him by name. He told me that was nice and went about his business. However, even in my "medicated" state (singing worship songs in the operating room!) I found so much confirmation in his next statement: "If you truly believe that God is in control, and you have prayed, then you just need to trust Dr. Willard and I. You'll be just fine." I felt so much comfort from those words and I still hang on to that sentence as the most vital piece of confirmation on getting the surgery done. I praise God for that.
People had told me before the surgery that waking up from being put to sleep wasn't scary at all. I, being the control freak I am, was most worried about this part. I was so terrified I wouldn't wake up because I wasn't in control of the going to sleep part!
Fortunately I did wake up :) and when I did I was so thankful to be done with what I precieved to be the hardest part. I was in no pain when I awoke (which was wonderful) and after dosing in and out for about an hour, I was allowed to go home. I, as well as my family, couldn't believe how much I had changed! I felt that my entire body looked so different.
Once I was home for a few hours I mustered up the courage to look at my wounds. I was a little shocked at first, but that shock soon disappeared. What most people don't know are the emotions that followed that shock.
I can't explain it, but I felt less than myself after my breast reduction. Somehow I felt less of a woman. I had identified myself for so long with perceptions and comments that others made regarding the size of my breast, and now the thing that I identified with was gone. I was normal, and for some odd reason this realization caused me to secretly cry whenever I was alone. In some odd way I felt that there was nothing to make me stand out in a crowd anymore, nothing to make people notice me. I had finally gotten what I had prayed for all along, and I was seemingly unhappy about it! I kept thinking this way and soon I began to see how silly I was acting. The normalcy of my breasts was not the only thing that bothered me in the coming days. It also seemed so strange to me that someone or something had invaded my body and took something. I can't even describe that feeling. For the first few days, although I told no one, I struggled with feelings of regret. Feeling this way was something I never expected, so it took me a while to work through those thoughts and realize that some feelings of regret were most likely normal after a procedure of that nature.
Thankfully, these feelings began to subside as I began to heal and become more mobile after surgery. I no longer struggle with those feelings. I have realized that I do not have to be identified with large breasts. I am Laurin, and now I am "Laurin with less!"
I can say that emotionally my Mom helped me the most during this process. She also helped physically and I would have been a basket case without her! She was great and encouraged me through the whole thing. She told me she was proud of me and reassured me that I was healing great and everything was normal. She was so very patient when I asked a ton of ridiculous questions at all hours of the day. I can honestly say I couldn't have done it without her. She still says that the cost of my surgery is the best money she has ever spent!
I was also so overwhelmed with the prayers that were said for me. I asked many people to pray for me and I definitely felt those prayers throughout the whole process. The Lord guided me EVERY step of the may. So, I want to say a BIG thank you to all of those who faithfully and relentlessly lifted me, and my doctors up in prayer. You will never know how much those prayers carried me through!
I also want to recognize my family and close friends. You all stood by me through every part. So many of my family waited patiently as I went through the surgery. I can never fully express how much that spoke to my heart. I felt so surrounded by love the whole time. However, they didn't stop there! Many of my family members and close friends came to see me once I arrived home and many of the family who could not be there (mainly George's family) called to check on me and even sent me things to help me after surgery! I am definitely one lucky girl!
Speaking of lucky...
George, the best fiance ever, stood by me day and night. My Mom and Grandma have told me how amazed and impressed they were with George's devotion to me during all of this. Mom said that he wouldn't leave my side. He would just lay or sit beside me on the couch while I slept and occupy his time with different things until I woke up to talk to him. Though this, I knew I would be well taken care of for the rest of my life. I can't describe how comforting it was to wake up and see his handsome face waiting to greet me, and hold my hand. He helped wait on me, and fulfilled every need (even the silly ones!). He got me anything and everything I wanted. His love was shown through his actions. I will never forget how loved and taken care of I felt during those first few days after surgery.
So, it has been over 3 months now and I am healing wonderfully. I feel so much better in every single way. I no longer have ANY feelings of regret. I totally stand by my decision. That is why I would like to encourage those of you who are going through many of the struggles I had to endure to take a look into breast reduction. I know how scary it is, but if you receive conformation from the Lord, have the surgery! Even though I had mixed emotions right after surgery, I now say it is quite possibly one of the BEST decisions I have ever made.
Here are the results!
Hopefully you can see the drastic difference from this photo. It's the best I could find!
I hope this post is encouraging because honestly, it took a lot of courage to write/post!
Thanks for reading!
Love, Laurin
Here goes nothin'!
Since my freshman year of high school I have been "top-heavy." Unfortunately I was way more "blessed" than I would have liked to be in the chest area. For me, this was a big problem. I hated it! I am aware that most women who aren't quite as blessed do not understand why this was such a problem. Many of those women would say "I wish you would just give me a little of what you have!" I have always been polite, but in my head I have always been thinking "Lady, do you realize you are telling me you want to be miserable?" I never revealed to too many people just how much having large breast bothered me, but now I think it's time to tell the truth.
These are some pictures from the summer right after high school. I could NEVER find cute clothing that actually fit properly. Needless to say, shopping for clothes was exhausting.
I can recall MANY nights I would lay in my bed and cry. I felt like everyone was staring at my chest all the time. I desperaltely wanted to "fit in" with girls my age. None of my friends could really relate to my situation, which left me feeling all alone. I just wanted to be normal. As crazy as it sounds, I wanted nothing more than to wear a "normal" bra. I wore minimizing bras at all times because I felt that I needed to hide them as best I could. Along with a regualur bra I would wear a sports bra. I did everything I could to make them appear smaller. Now that I look back, I see just how sad my situation was.
Unfortunately, the appearance of my breasts was not the only difficulty I faced. I have a fairly small frame. I am 5'1and a 1/2 inch (yes, I cherish that half inch). Therefore, my body had a tough time supporting my "blessings." This, of course, resulted in never ending, excrutiating back pain. Any form of physical activity normally lead to me on the floor in tears. My back would lock-up and I would be in so much pain. I have always loved cheering, but many nights after practice I would have to start eating Ibprofen like candy. I was miserable.
So, when I was 17 I decided I wanted to have a breast reduction. My Mom had had one when I was in 8th grade and she seemed so much happier. I just wanted relief! My step-mom took me in for an appointment and a few weeks later I was approved by the insurance! I was unbelieveably excited. Unfortunately it never ended up working out. I was crushed, and to avoid another let down, I gave up on it for quite some time.
After I got engaged I made a decision. I decided that I did not want to feel self-conscious on my wedding day. I wanted to be able to get a gown I loved, not one I settled for. Once I had made this descion I started to feel nervous about the procedure. At the time I had never been put to sleep, and I had never had surgery. My mind starting filling with irrational fears of what could go wrong. Soon, I was considering not having it done. So, I started to pray. I prayed all the time asking God to reveal to me whether or not I should have this done. I believe that the Lord doesn't make mistakes when creating humans so I wrestled with essentially "changing" how he made me. Not long after I began to pray about my situation I was given an answer. I felt that the Lord was telling me he hated seeing me suffer and he would protect me through the procedure. That answer left me wanting even more confirmation. So, I saught the wise counsel of some of my mentors. Their answers left me feeling encouraged and ready to get the ball rolling! The whole process was so easy. The Lord really worked everything out in His way and His timing. I am one blessed princess.
My surgery was set. December 16th at 9:00am. To say I was nervous would be injustice. I was outright terrified. I spent so much time praying for my surgery and the doctors that would be working on me, and I still didn't feel much better! I finally started praying peace over myself and I became a little less consumed with what could go wrong.
The morning of my surgery I was given a Valium. It was suppose to calm me down and help me relax before surgery. Well, it definitely did something! I was hilarious (Don't worry, Mom caught it all on film and I am sure I will be embarrassed for many years to come). Finally I made it back to the operating room. As I was laying back, about to be put to sleep I decided to give some words of encouragement to my anastegeologist. I explained to him that I had been praying for him by name. He told me that was nice and went about his business. However, even in my "medicated" state (singing worship songs in the operating room!) I found so much confirmation in his next statement: "If you truly believe that God is in control, and you have prayed, then you just need to trust Dr. Willard and I. You'll be just fine." I felt so much comfort from those words and I still hang on to that sentence as the most vital piece of confirmation on getting the surgery done. I praise God for that.
People had told me before the surgery that waking up from being put to sleep wasn't scary at all. I, being the control freak I am, was most worried about this part. I was so terrified I wouldn't wake up because I wasn't in control of the going to sleep part!
Fortunately I did wake up :) and when I did I was so thankful to be done with what I precieved to be the hardest part. I was in no pain when I awoke (which was wonderful) and after dosing in and out for about an hour, I was allowed to go home. I, as well as my family, couldn't believe how much I had changed! I felt that my entire body looked so different.
Once I was home for a few hours I mustered up the courage to look at my wounds. I was a little shocked at first, but that shock soon disappeared. What most people don't know are the emotions that followed that shock.
I can't explain it, but I felt less than myself after my breast reduction. Somehow I felt less of a woman. I had identified myself for so long with perceptions and comments that others made regarding the size of my breast, and now the thing that I identified with was gone. I was normal, and for some odd reason this realization caused me to secretly cry whenever I was alone. In some odd way I felt that there was nothing to make me stand out in a crowd anymore, nothing to make people notice me. I had finally gotten what I had prayed for all along, and I was seemingly unhappy about it! I kept thinking this way and soon I began to see how silly I was acting. The normalcy of my breasts was not the only thing that bothered me in the coming days. It also seemed so strange to me that someone or something had invaded my body and took something. I can't even describe that feeling. For the first few days, although I told no one, I struggled with feelings of regret. Feeling this way was something I never expected, so it took me a while to work through those thoughts and realize that some feelings of regret were most likely normal after a procedure of that nature.
Thankfully, these feelings began to subside as I began to heal and become more mobile after surgery. I no longer struggle with those feelings. I have realized that I do not have to be identified with large breasts. I am Laurin, and now I am "Laurin with less!"
I can say that emotionally my Mom helped me the most during this process. She also helped physically and I would have been a basket case without her! She was great and encouraged me through the whole thing. She told me she was proud of me and reassured me that I was healing great and everything was normal. She was so very patient when I asked a ton of ridiculous questions at all hours of the day. I can honestly say I couldn't have done it without her. She still says that the cost of my surgery is the best money she has ever spent!
I was also so overwhelmed with the prayers that were said for me. I asked many people to pray for me and I definitely felt those prayers throughout the whole process. The Lord guided me EVERY step of the may. So, I want to say a BIG thank you to all of those who faithfully and relentlessly lifted me, and my doctors up in prayer. You will never know how much those prayers carried me through!
I also want to recognize my family and close friends. You all stood by me through every part. So many of my family waited patiently as I went through the surgery. I can never fully express how much that spoke to my heart. I felt so surrounded by love the whole time. However, they didn't stop there! Many of my family members and close friends came to see me once I arrived home and many of the family who could not be there (mainly George's family) called to check on me and even sent me things to help me after surgery! I am definitely one lucky girl!
Speaking of lucky...
George, the best fiance ever, stood by me day and night. My Mom and Grandma have told me how amazed and impressed they were with George's devotion to me during all of this. Mom said that he wouldn't leave my side. He would just lay or sit beside me on the couch while I slept and occupy his time with different things until I woke up to talk to him. Though this, I knew I would be well taken care of for the rest of my life. I can't describe how comforting it was to wake up and see his handsome face waiting to greet me, and hold my hand. He helped wait on me, and fulfilled every need (even the silly ones!). He got me anything and everything I wanted. His love was shown through his actions. I will never forget how loved and taken care of I felt during those first few days after surgery.
So, it has been over 3 months now and I am healing wonderfully. I feel so much better in every single way. I no longer have ANY feelings of regret. I totally stand by my decision. That is why I would like to encourage those of you who are going through many of the struggles I had to endure to take a look into breast reduction. I know how scary it is, but if you receive conformation from the Lord, have the surgery! Even though I had mixed emotions right after surgery, I now say it is quite possibly one of the BEST decisions I have ever made.
Here are the results!
Hopefully you can see the drastic difference from this photo. It's the best I could find!
I hope this post is encouraging because honestly, it took a lot of courage to write/post!
Thanks for reading!
Love, Laurin
Thursday, March 22, 2012
The House.
George and I are starting the process of buying a home. Yes, this is scary! We are SO very excited and SO very terrified.
This is such a big step for us. We are still in trying to figure out if we will be approved for enough to purchase the house we are going after. Please pray! Hopefully I will have a positive update soon.
We definitely understand that the only way we will get this house is if the Lord has it in His plans! Buying a home seems like an impossible feat for us, but we know that our God is greater and continually rises above our own strength!
Pray, pray, pray!
This is such a big step for us. We are still in trying to figure out if we will be approved for enough to purchase the house we are going after. Please pray! Hopefully I will have a positive update soon.
We definitely understand that the only way we will get this house is if the Lord has it in His plans! Buying a home seems like an impossible feat for us, but we know that our God is greater and continually rises above our own strength!
Pray, pray, pray!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
7 Months.
7 months from today I will be approximately 1 hour away from marrying the love of my life. I can't express how impatient I feel! I cannot wait to be married.
I have to keep reminding myself to enjoy this season of my life. I often think toward October and almost bubble over with excitement! I am so ready to be surrounded by God's presence, family, and friends. I am so ready to make a forever promise to George Thomas Clackum. I am so ready for 2 to become 1.
Please hurry up October, waiting for you is driving me crazy!
Love, Laur
Monday, March 19, 2012
A sight for sore eyes
On Wednesday of this past week I traveled home for an appointment with the plastic surgeon. I always love going in for my follow up visits because I have a chance to catch up with all my favorites at Dr. Willard's office! I fortunately recieved an excellent report. All my scars are healing beautifully. I give all the credit to the Lord. He is still healing me 3 months later. Amazing.
So, since I had to go home on Wednesday I made the decision to skip my classes on Thursday and Friday. I wasn't excited about leaving George for an extended weekend, but SO excited to spend some much needed time with my family! I had a blast sharing my days with the ones I love most. I can't explain how nice it feels to simply be in the presence of those of know you best and love you unconditionally!
On Friday I had the opportunity to take some Easter pictures for some of my favorite blue eyed baby boys, Grayson and Carson! I was impressed with their modeling skills. I definitely enjoyed my time with them!
Since there was a Maggie Sottero (designer of my wedding gown) trunk show at the boutique I had planned to order my dress from, I decided to make an appointment for Saturday, St. Patty's Day, to try the gown on once more and to finally order it (SO exciting)! On Saturday I tried on my wedding gown once more, and now....IT'S ORDERED! I can't believe it's on the way :)! This makes for one happy bride-to-be. I felt more than blessed that a group of wonderful ladies (and one little boy) accompanied me to order my dress. Thank you so much, Momma, Tay-Tay, Whit, Carson, Grandma, and Jordie. You will never know how much it means to me to be able to share such a special moment with all of you!
I simply cannot believe how blessed I am. My sweet Momma put the down the payment to order my gown. She has always done whatever it takes to make me a happy girl. I can never express how much that means to me. As I drove home I thought to myself "I am so lucky my Mom is such a big part of my life, and was able to be there for me today." Still counting my blessings! I love you Momma!
Since pictures can say more than I ever could about this past is my weekend in PICTURES! Enjoy.
So, since I had to go home on Wednesday I made the decision to skip my classes on Thursday and Friday. I wasn't excited about leaving George for an extended weekend, but SO excited to spend some much needed time with my family! I had a blast sharing my days with the ones I love most. I can't explain how nice it feels to simply be in the presence of those of know you best and love you unconditionally!
On Friday I had the opportunity to take some Easter pictures for some of my favorite blue eyed baby boys, Grayson and Carson! I was impressed with their modeling skills. I definitely enjoyed my time with them!
Since there was a Maggie Sottero (designer of my wedding gown) trunk show at the boutique I had planned to order my dress from, I decided to make an appointment for Saturday, St. Patty's Day, to try the gown on once more and to finally order it (SO exciting)! On Saturday I tried on my wedding gown once more, and now....IT'S ORDERED! I can't believe it's on the way :)! This makes for one happy bride-to-be. I felt more than blessed that a group of wonderful ladies (and one little boy) accompanied me to order my dress. Thank you so much, Momma, Tay-Tay, Whit, Carson, Grandma, and Jordie. You will never know how much it means to me to be able to share such a special moment with all of you!
I simply cannot believe how blessed I am. My sweet Momma put the down the payment to order my gown. She has always done whatever it takes to make me a happy girl. I can never express how much that means to me. As I drove home I thought to myself "I am so lucky my Mom is such a big part of my life, and was able to be there for me today." Still counting my blessings! I love you Momma!
Since pictures can say more than I ever could about this past is my weekend in PICTURES! Enjoy.
(The smile of a happy girl who just ordered her wedding dress! Sorry I can't show anything but my smile...I'm rather traditional and would prefer my groom not see the dress or head piece until the big day!)
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Before I was a Blogger. (Part I)
Before I started blogging there were a couple of extremely significant things that happened in my life. So, I figured I would feature my thoughts and recollection of these amazing events in two different posts.
The first big event that I would definitely consider "blog worthy" was my engagement!
During the summer of 2011 George and I began to talk about marriage. We had been dating for about 2 1/2 years so of course thoughts about our future together were starting to surface! Thank the Lord we were on the same page. :) As we began to talk, I began to search. I knew that I wanted to be a big part of the "picking out a ring" process and George was more than glad for that.
By nature I am very decisive. I'm the girl you call if you can't pick a restaurant or movie! If you need me to, I can make a decision! I am so thankful that George loves and respects that about me, and I am so thankful that I could narrow down the choices for him! Once I began my search for my rings of choice I quickly noted that I was most attracted to circular cut stones which really helped me narrow the search! After weeks of searching I settled on 2.
This one....
and....who really cares about the other one! :)
I had given George a time frame in which I wanted to be engaged. I know that sounds terrible, but I knew he was going to ask me and I really wanted a specific amount of time to plan! I told him I wanted to be engaged no later than October because I needed a year to plan, and I had my heart set on a fall wedding. He exceeded the timeline, of course, but only by a few days!
George was scheduled to preach in the Sunday morning service on November 6th (Little did I know...he was the one that scheduled his preaching just to ask me to marry him in front of the church...tender!). This was going to be his first time preaching in our church so I decided to invite my family. They have always been so supportive of the both of us so I wasn't surprised at all when my Mom told me most of my family would be driving down to attend the service! Soon I realized that George's family was planning to attend as well. In the back of my mind the little seed of suspicion was starting to grow!
On Saturday my family arrives and agrees to take me shopping. It's no secret that I am a shopper and I enjoy getting clothes but when my grandmother insisted on getting me the rather costly sweater dress I had had my eye on for weeks the little seed of suspicion started to grow larger. I know my grandmother and Momma hate to see me not have a new outfit for important events. So, you can't blame me for being a little bit sceptical!
I have to hand it to The Fam, they did a great job of keeping their cool on Sunday morning. I was way less suspicious than the day before...BUT...that little sliver of hope was still there!
Once the service began my little stomach started to feel the butterflies! I was so nervous! As George stood up to begin his sermon my heart was pounding in my throat. I thought to myself "this is going to be perfect! All of our families are here and we are in one of our favorite! I just know he is going to ask me here!" He begins speaking, and my heart sank. I immediately felt deflated. He wasn't calling me up to the front, or asking me to stand. He wasn't even talking about me. I just knew I had gotten it all wrong. He would never ask me after he preached a sermon. That would be too stressful for him. It took all I had not to cry. I was so disappointed inside. I had told myself not to get my hopes up but unfortunately I had!
The deflated feeling didn't last for too long. I quickly became intrigued by what George was speaking on and I lost myself in the sound of his voice and wise, teaching words. He is just so handsome when he speaks.
After he wrapped up his AMAZING sermon he asked the congregation to bow their heads for prayer. Once he was finished praying he spoke the words to dismiss everyone, but right before everyone was standing up to leave he interjected.
He asked everyone to sit back down, and my little heart started beating SO fast! I kept thinking "please let this be our moment...its perfect!" As I listened to his voice, I could understand that he was talking about me. This was really happening! He asked if I would join him up front, and of course I nervously walked in front of everyone. Then, he said the sweetest words to me. "Laurin, you're the girl of my dreams. Will you marry me?." You would think those would be the words I would hang onto, but they're not. I will forever remember the words right after that because they are the three sweetest words my ears have ever heard. He said "I love you," for the first time. (We wanted to save the words "I love you" for when we got engaged. We wanted there to be a bigger commitment behind the words! SO glad we did!)
It was wonderful. Amazing. Perfect in every way. The people we love were surrounding us and we were finally engaged! We actually had a receiving line after the service! I loved it!
I am pretty sure we must have said "I love you" a million times that day, and we meant it every single time. That's the beauty of waiting to say it. To most I am sure it seems that we over use it, but I don't care. It's still new to us :)
I love you George. I can't wait to be your wife. I didn't think I could ever be this happy. You're the man of my dreams!
Here are some photos from the engagement (A big thanks to George's Mom for so beautifully capturing these priceless moments!)
The first big event that I would definitely consider "blog worthy" was my engagement!
During the summer of 2011 George and I began to talk about marriage. We had been dating for about 2 1/2 years so of course thoughts about our future together were starting to surface! Thank the Lord we were on the same page. :) As we began to talk, I began to search. I knew that I wanted to be a big part of the "picking out a ring" process and George was more than glad for that.
By nature I am very decisive. I'm the girl you call if you can't pick a restaurant or movie! If you need me to, I can make a decision! I am so thankful that George loves and respects that about me, and I am so thankful that I could narrow down the choices for him! Once I began my search for my rings of choice I quickly noted that I was most attracted to circular cut stones which really helped me narrow the search! After weeks of searching I settled on 2.
This one....
and....who really cares about the other one! :)
I had given George a time frame in which I wanted to be engaged. I know that sounds terrible, but I knew he was going to ask me and I really wanted a specific amount of time to plan! I told him I wanted to be engaged no later than October because I needed a year to plan, and I had my heart set on a fall wedding. He exceeded the timeline, of course, but only by a few days!
George was scheduled to preach in the Sunday morning service on November 6th (Little did I know...he was the one that scheduled his preaching just to ask me to marry him in front of the church...tender!). This was going to be his first time preaching in our church so I decided to invite my family. They have always been so supportive of the both of us so I wasn't surprised at all when my Mom told me most of my family would be driving down to attend the service! Soon I realized that George's family was planning to attend as well. In the back of my mind the little seed of suspicion was starting to grow!
On Saturday my family arrives and agrees to take me shopping. It's no secret that I am a shopper and I enjoy getting clothes but when my grandmother insisted on getting me the rather costly sweater dress I had had my eye on for weeks the little seed of suspicion started to grow larger. I know my grandmother and Momma hate to see me not have a new outfit for important events. So, you can't blame me for being a little bit sceptical!
I have to hand it to The Fam, they did a great job of keeping their cool on Sunday morning. I was way less suspicious than the day before...BUT...that little sliver of hope was still there!
Once the service began my little stomach started to feel the butterflies! I was so nervous! As George stood up to begin his sermon my heart was pounding in my throat. I thought to myself "this is going to be perfect! All of our families are here and we are in one of our favorite! I just know he is going to ask me here!" He begins speaking, and my heart sank. I immediately felt deflated. He wasn't calling me up to the front, or asking me to stand. He wasn't even talking about me. I just knew I had gotten it all wrong. He would never ask me after he preached a sermon. That would be too stressful for him. It took all I had not to cry. I was so disappointed inside. I had told myself not to get my hopes up but unfortunately I had!
The deflated feeling didn't last for too long. I quickly became intrigued by what George was speaking on and I lost myself in the sound of his voice and wise, teaching words. He is just so handsome when he speaks.
After he wrapped up his AMAZING sermon he asked the congregation to bow their heads for prayer. Once he was finished praying he spoke the words to dismiss everyone, but right before everyone was standing up to leave he interjected.
He asked everyone to sit back down, and my little heart started beating SO fast! I kept thinking "please let this be our moment...its perfect!" As I listened to his voice, I could understand that he was talking about me. This was really happening! He asked if I would join him up front, and of course I nervously walked in front of everyone. Then, he said the sweetest words to me. "Laurin, you're the girl of my dreams. Will you marry me?." You would think those would be the words I would hang onto, but they're not. I will forever remember the words right after that because they are the three sweetest words my ears have ever heard. He said "I love you," for the first time. (We wanted to save the words "I love you" for when we got engaged. We wanted there to be a bigger commitment behind the words! SO glad we did!)
It was wonderful. Amazing. Perfect in every way. The people we love were surrounding us and we were finally engaged! We actually had a receiving line after the service! I loved it!
I am pretty sure we must have said "I love you" a million times that day, and we meant it every single time. That's the beauty of waiting to say it. To most I am sure it seems that we over use it, but I don't care. It's still new to us :)
I love you George. I can't wait to be your wife. I didn't think I could ever be this happy. You're the man of my dreams!
Here are some photos from the engagement (A big thanks to George's Mom for so beautifully capturing these priceless moments!)
Part of our receiving line after the service!
My baby brother, Momma, and myself! (Can you tell we are criers?)
(One of my favorite moments. Everyone in my family knew I would be getting engaged...except my baby brother. He can't keep a secret, especially from his nosy sister. So, they didn't tell him and his reaction caused this horrible cry face you see above. He was bawling when he came up to hug me! It absolutely melted my heart! I love that (not so) little boy so much!)
Both of our families after the service! I can't wait to be "officially" all family in October!
So happy, and so in love.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
The "Meant to be" Mommy.
I was the first child born in my family, and the only full sibling I have is a baby brother who is 6 years my junior. So, growing up I adopted a sister. My aunt Tara welcomed a baby girl 2 years before I was born. Her name is Whitney and she has been my "sister" for the past 23 years!
From the very beginning Whitney has been more like a sister than a cousin. She has always been there when I needed her. She has taught me many things and has shared so much wisdom. I once gave her a frame that said "cousins from the start, friends from the heart." It is so true! She is certainly one of the best friends I have ever had.
So, you can imagine how excited and overjoyed I was when I learned she was getting married. On October 6th 2007 she became a Mrs. Mrs. Freeman to be exact. As planned, since the age of 8, I was the maid of honor. And, in true fashion, I cried through it all.
This is when I started to proclaim my prophecy. Since a young age I knew in my heart what Whitney Nicole was made for. It was made evident every time we went out in public and found her holding a strangers child. She was made to be a Mommy. Whitney loves children, and lordy mercy do they love her!
So, in November of 2010 I received the long awaited phone call. "Laurin, I'm pregnant!" Instantly the tears of joy started streaming down my face. I, quite possibly, could have been more excited than she was...but probably not. :) Since I live 3 hours away from Whit, each time I would come home I would get the pleasure of finding her more and more pregnant. She simply glowed.
Then, on July 19th, 2011 my predictions were confirmed. She was definitely meant to be a Mommy. She was such a trooper through the whole delivery. I wish I could have been there but I had a photography shoot scheduled! So, George and I had to come a little bit later. When I walked in the room on the day that Carson was born, I saw Whitney as I never had before. She radiated love. She totally lit up the room! You could tell her heart was full, and I had been right all along.
Here's the evidence...
Today, I stand amazed. She is an even better Mommy than I ever could have imagined! Whit spends her days talking to, reading to, taking care of, and playing with a sweet baby boy named Carson. He is so loved and greatly cared for. Seeing Whitney be a Mommy makes me so proud to be her "sister." Often I find myself longing to be a Mother because I see how much fun Whitney is having! She has taught me so very much over these past few months since Carson's birth. She has shown me what a joy motherhood is, and what a stellar Mommy looks like.
Here is the proof...
This is one of the photos from Carson's 6 month session (with me!). He is one of the sweetest and happiest little boys I have ever met. His sweet little laugh is one of my favorite sounds. I can almost here it when I look at this picture! :)
Thank you Whitney Nicole. You are the best mommy, sister, and friend. I love you with my whole heart, and I love your baby boy just as much. Thanking the good Lord above today that I get to be a part of your lives.
From the very beginning Whitney has been more like a sister than a cousin. She has always been there when I needed her. She has taught me many things and has shared so much wisdom. I once gave her a frame that said "cousins from the start, friends from the heart." It is so true! She is certainly one of the best friends I have ever had.
So, you can imagine how excited and overjoyed I was when I learned she was getting married. On October 6th 2007 she became a Mrs. Mrs. Freeman to be exact. As planned, since the age of 8, I was the maid of honor. And, in true fashion, I cried through it all.
This is when I started to proclaim my prophecy. Since a young age I knew in my heart what Whitney Nicole was made for. It was made evident every time we went out in public and found her holding a strangers child. She was made to be a Mommy. Whitney loves children, and lordy mercy do they love her!
So, in November of 2010 I received the long awaited phone call. "Laurin, I'm pregnant!" Instantly the tears of joy started streaming down my face. I, quite possibly, could have been more excited than she was...but probably not. :) Since I live 3 hours away from Whit, each time I would come home I would get the pleasure of finding her more and more pregnant. She simply glowed.
Then, on July 19th, 2011 my predictions were confirmed. She was definitely meant to be a Mommy. She was such a trooper through the whole delivery. I wish I could have been there but I had a photography shoot scheduled! So, George and I had to come a little bit later. When I walked in the room on the day that Carson was born, I saw Whitney as I never had before. She radiated love. She totally lit up the room! You could tell her heart was full, and I had been right all along.
Here's the evidence...
Today, I stand amazed. She is an even better Mommy than I ever could have imagined! Whit spends her days talking to, reading to, taking care of, and playing with a sweet baby boy named Carson. He is so loved and greatly cared for. Seeing Whitney be a Mommy makes me so proud to be her "sister." Often I find myself longing to be a Mother because I see how much fun Whitney is having! She has taught me so very much over these past few months since Carson's birth. She has shown me what a joy motherhood is, and what a stellar Mommy looks like.
Here is the proof...
This is one of the photos from Carson's 6 month session (with me!). He is one of the sweetest and happiest little boys I have ever met. His sweet little laugh is one of my favorite sounds. I can almost here it when I look at this picture! :)
Thank you Whitney Nicole. You are the best mommy, sister, and friend. I love you with my whole heart, and I love your baby boy just as much. Thanking the good Lord above today that I get to be a part of your lives.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Burdened For Brent
Yesterday I posted about Brent and his story. I thought today I would share with you photos of him. I only recently learned of his story, but since then I have been looking at his photos online non-stop. When I look at these pictures joy and sadness equally overwhelm me.
I am overjoyed to see this suffering child still smiling. Each time I look at his smiling face I am reminded of a quote by Mother Teresa "Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing." Thank you Brent, for giving me such a priceless gift.
Although I pray I will never know the kind of suffering the Ritterbusch family has had to endure, I am very very sad today. I know I will never understand why such a sweet and innocent child has to suffer in such a horrific way, but I know that God's glory will be shown through all of this.
I hope you are all blessed by Brent's story and his sweet sweet smile. I know I have been.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Brent's Battle
Tonight I was introduced to a heart breaking story. This story ( If you have time I would encourage you to go and simply read about Brent and his family. I can only imagine how hard it is to go through was this family has endured. Brent is fighting for his life. He is at the end of this long battle and tonight I know he and his family could use prayers.
Honestly, I have been crying non-stop for the past hour. This story has impacted my life. This sweet little boy has had the same joyful and radiant smile throughout his journey. I am praising God today for allowing me to witness Brent's cheerful and strong spirit. What an amazing little boy, and what an amazing family.
Please join me in prayer tonight.
Honestly, I have been crying non-stop for the past hour. This story has impacted my life. This sweet little boy has had the same joyful and radiant smile throughout his journey. I am praising God today for allowing me to witness Brent's cheerful and strong spirit. What an amazing little boy, and what an amazing family.
Please join me in prayer tonight.
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