Tuesday, October 2, 2012

7 a.m.

To those of you who awake refreshed and ready to take on the world the moment the sun makes its first appearance...I honestly don't know how you do it. 

I woke up at 7 a.m. today. Now, normally this wouldn't be all that big of a deal, but today I not only awoke an hour and a half before I had planned (on my day off), I woke up with a feeling of impending doom draped across me like a blanket. A feeling that caused me to struggle for my next breath.

I am fairly certain I must have had a wedding related nightmare that didn't quite fully reveal itself to my conscious mind. Even though I could not recall this dream or heaven forbid premonition, it still left feelings of anxiety and doom coursing through me over an hour.

Let's review...

I have been up since 7.
I awoke to certain doom.
My wedding is in 17 days.
I have 56094098560934 things to do before the aforementioned wedding.
I am a mess.
I am anxious.
I am stressed.
I am so very tired of being stressed and anxious.


(and that's a BIG however...)

I was ushered into the throne room this morning. I was held onto and loved by the father I have known since I was knit together in my mother's womb. He allowed comfort to wash over me in my most desperate hour, and He made me feel as if everything is possible if I only call on His name.  

This morning I worshiped Him and sang praise for all of the things He is doing in my life. He has refreshed my soul, and today I am glad, joyful, and loved simply because I am His. I know He will get me through the stress of wedding planning, and I know he will get me safely to the marriage that will glorify His name. I need only ask.

7 a.m. came early today, but I think my lack of sleep was God given. All throughout the bible there are passages that speak of fully devoted men and women of God rising early to worship and to pray.

God told Moses, “Rise early in the morning and present yourself before Pharaoh.(Exodus 8:20; cf. 9:13) 
Moses “arose early in the morning” to build an alter to sacrifice to God after he wrote the law of the Lord.(Exodus 24:4) 
The Lord Jesus Christ arose “in the early morning, while it was still dark,” and left the house to pray in a secluded place. (Mark 1:35)  
The women followers of Jesus, “at early dawn,” went to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus (Luke 24:1; cf. v. 22; John 20:1).

Thanking God for waking me up early today to experience His presence.