Tuesday, April 10, 2012

God Gave Me You.

While jamming out in my car this past Friday, on the way home, a song came on the radio. A song that I have considered somewhat cliche for a few months now. I have no idea of the original debut of this song, but since last year it has been played on the radio on both christian and country stations (maybe others as well). Since it was released, this ballad as become MANY couples "song." I decided that I simply wouldn't let it become mine and George's. Guess what? I have changed my mind.

Cliche or not, as the song began to play, I began to cry. Not just the one trickling tear, but the serious kind of crying that makes it a bit harder to breathe. I just couldn't control the water works. 

The relentless tears streaming down my face had absolutely no sadness connected to their presence. It was all joy. "But you stay here right beside me and watch as the storm blows through and I need you" Those very words are exactly what George has done these past few days. Lately I have been majorly stressed and a little depressed. I know it hasn't been easy for him to watch me suffer. However, he acts like it's his joy to comfort me. He never complains when I burst into tears and lay my head on his shoulder. I can't express how utterly fantastic that is. That boy is just what I need.

"There's more here than what we're seeing. A divine conspiracy. That you, an angel lovely could somehow fall for me. You'll always be love's great martyr and I'll be the flattered fool" Mine and George's relationship has been just that, a divine conspiriacy. I am often baffled that He brought us both here to Southern Wesleyan University from two different states! We have faced great odds, but through it all we have put our faith in God's perfect will for both our lives. His love, along with His plan, never fails. 

"On my own I'm only half of what I could be." Yes. This is so true for us. I have full confidence in the fact that George was made for me. He is everything that I'm not. In my opinion, that makes us the perfect pair. No, we are not perfect but together we are working toward glorifying God with every part of our lives. I thank God for the opportunity to glorify His name with our relationship, with our (soon-to-be) life as one. 

Sometimes God's plan totally blows my mind. Just as many of those suffering ask God "Why?" I sometimes find myself asking the same question in regards to George. I still wonder why the Lord has chosen to bless me so graciously. It's so crazy that George fell for me. I have made so many mistakes. I am no where near perfect or the woman that God wants me to me. Yet, George loves me. I doubt I will even fully understand why. He will forever be love's great martyr to me, and I will always be the flattered fool. I have done nothing to deserve the love George has freely given to me, but I will always be more than grateful for it. 

The title of this song is God GAVE me you. Gifts, are GIVEN. I fully believe God gave me George Clackum. I consider even knowing George a gift. I consider being loved by him one of the most extravagant gifts I have ever received. 

This Easter weekend was full of reflection for me. Since Friday I have been thanking God profusely. I am so thankful for His love, the resurrection, my family, best friends, and the sweet sweet love of a boy named George! Hope you're feeling as immensely blessed as I am today. 

Love, Laur 

P.S. A full Easter post is coming soon! Along with the much anticipated Real Marriage Conference post! Forgive me, I am a busy busy girl! ;) 

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