Friday, December 14, 2012

The Unthinkable

Today, we have come face to face yet again with the evil that roams the earth.

I find myself physically sick when I imagine the scene in those Sandy Hook Elementary classrooms tonight. Those sweet and innocent little ones lay lifeless while their parents ache to hold them. I know shock is most likely easing the reality of their loss at this moment, but soon that will wear away and they will face the unthinkable...unwrapped presents this Christmas, an unfinished bedtime story, or.a high school graduation that will never come to pass.

I have no way to relate to these grieving parents. I don't have children yet so I have no idea what it is like to raise a child, to love them simply because they have a part of me no one else ever will. I haven't yet had the opportunity to have my heart stolen in just one look so I can't even begin to fathom the gaping whole that now replaces where their once whole hearts resided.

Since I first heard of the shooting in Connecticut I have hungered for details about the tragedy. Earlier today I pondered on why I was so interested in knowing everything about the events. I realized tonight that I am feeling as if by knowing every detail I can do something to avenge those children and if I learn enough about the situation I can fix the brokenness caused by one young mans actions, but I can't. I may never know Adam Lanza's reasoning in slaughtering 20 elementary age children  6 adults, and his own mother. However, I don't need to know his reasons....I only need to pray unceasingly for those who have been affected by his choices.

I strongly encourage each one of you to do the same. I also encourage those of you who have children to hold them tonight and be reminded that no number of tantrums, fits, and messes will ever make them any less of a miracle and a blessing. Tonight, take in their innocent eyes, and love them deep because you're not promised tomorrow.

John 16:33- "I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In the world you have trouble and suffering, but take courage – I have conquered the world.”

He is still reigning and working in this suffering.

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