Sunday, April 21, 2013

6 Months Married!

It's been 6 months since I said "I do" to the best man I have ever known. In the days since our wedding we have been tested in many ways, and have had to overcome obstacles...hand in hand. All of our experiences so far have helped to shape us into people October 20th, 2012 wouldn't recognize.

I had no idea the ways in which marriage would change me. I am constantly reminded that by vowing to love my husband forever I have promised to put him before myself and serve fully and with out fail...always. I have learned that marriage is work, but at the end of the day I am filled with joy knowing that I am doing all I can to bring glory to God with my relationship with George.

I wish I could say that we have done everything perfect over these past few months...but alas, we are human and made of flesh. So, I will have to say that we have made mistakes, hurt one anothers feelings, and disappointed each other on many occasions. However, we have grown and George is showing me with his patience, grace, mercy,  more of who Jesus is.

Often I find it hard to fathom how much Christ loves me because I can't imagine being loved any more than my husband loves me, but God loves me so much more. Sometimes I can only weep at the thought of that much love.

Last night we were talking after going to bed and George reflected on how grateful he is to be a part of my life and I quietly listened thinking: "I can't believe God gave me this amazing man to love and he thinks he should be grateful."

I wish I could put into words how blessed I feel to even know George Clackum...much less be the one he is sharing his life with. I know I don't deserve his love, but I will spend every second, moment, hour, and day being thankful that I have it. These 6 months have flown's hard to imagine that a lifetime would ever be enough with this man.

I love you sweet one. You have changed me for the better and you have brought me unspeakable joy. Here's to many more months and years side by side. This is only the beginning.

Forever & Always. 

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